Advanced Training
ICIQ has a strong commitment to offer training programmes for undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral researchers. We prepare a new generation of researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the most important challenges in chemical research. We are convinced that an integral education beyond chemistry is crucial to achieve outstanding research results and fruitful life achievements.
Training Programmes
The ICIQ Graduate Student Programme ICIQ’s PhD student programme is at the core of our commitment to education. We foster graduate students in their path to think, design and execute a research project under the supervision and mentoring of an ICIQ Group Leader. The programme targets highly qualified and talented graduate students with an enthusiastic interest in chemical research and has been successful in attracting students from all over the world.
In 2021 we launched three calls of our PhD Fellowship Programme. A total of 17 graduate students joined ICIQ through ICIQ’s fellowship programme.
We also incorporated PhD students through other funding calls: 3 FI (AGAUR); 2 FPU (MUNI); 8 FPI (MCIN/AEI).

PhD theses defended in 2021
During 2021, 27 doctoral theses were developed at ICIQ and directed by Group Leaders of the Institute.
Most of them were defended in virtual format due to the restrictions imposed by the health situation.
Date | Name | Thesis title | Supervisors |
14.01 | Nataliia Vereshchuk | Rational design of the molecular Ru-based Water Oxidation Catalysts | Prof. Antoni Llobet |
15.01 | Raúl Martin | Functionalization of Strong Sigma Bonds by Nickel and Tungsten Catalysis | Prof. Rubén Martín |
21.01 | Joan Guillem Mayans | From Gold-Catalyzed Asymmetric or Photoredox-Assisted Cyclizations to Rhodium-Catalyzed C-H alkynylations | Prof. Antonio Echavarren |
28.01 | Paulina Pršlja | Theoretical Studies of Single-Site Catalysts for Efficient Electrochemical CO2 Reduction | Prof. Núria López |
04.02 | Ricardo Molina | Calix[4]pyrrole Based Receptors for the Recognition of Ion Pairs | Prof. Pau Ballester |
25.03 | Otilia Stoica | Synthesis of Large Hydroacenes and Related Compounds Using Gold(I) Catalysis | Prof. Antonio Echavarren |
26.03 | Marta Ventosa | Hybrid Systems for Water Oxidation Catalysis | Prof. Antoni Llobet & Dr. Carolina Gimbert |
22.04 | Ester Iniesta | Supramolecular Catalytic Systems: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Catalysis | Prof. Anton Vidal |
22.04 | Nuria Llorente | Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cycloaddition Reactions for the Formation of Eight- and Six-Membered Rings | Prof. Anton Vidal |
09.07 | Elena Detta | Target-based Design, Structural Optimization and Characterization of Novel Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly Modulators | Prof. Pericàs and Dr. Helmut Buschmann |
15.07 | Justine Raymond | Applications of Flow Chemistry Methods and Computer-Aided Approaches to Expedite the Development of HBV Inhibitors | Prof. Pericàs and Dr. Helmut Buschmann |
22.07 | Mauro Mato | Streamlining the Access to Metal Carbenes through Aromative Decarbenations | Prof. Antonio Echavarren |
23.07 | Qingqing Sun | Aryl and Super Aryl-Extended Calix[4]pyrroles: Synthesis and Applications | Prof. Pau Ballester |
09.09 | Eugenio Gandolfo | Light-driven Metal-catalyzed Asymmetric Transformations | Prof. Paolo Melchiorre |
04.10 | Ece Aktas | Low-Molecular Weight Molecules as Selective Contacts for Perovskite Solar Cells | Prof. Emilio Palomares |
08.10 | Ulysse Caniparoli | Ferrocene-Based Chiral Catalyst Design for Enantioselective Cycloadditions Reactions | Prof. Antoni Echavarren |
08.10 | Àlex Cristòfol | Stereoselective Transformations of Vinyl Cyclic Carbonates and Applications in Natural Product Synthesis | Prof. Arjan. W. Kleij |
11.10 | Cristina Maquilón | New and Functional Cyclic Carbonates for Polymer Applications | Prof. Arjan. W. Kleij |
13.10 | Eduardo de Pedro | New Organic Catalysts for the Photochemical Generation of Radicals | Prof. Paolo Melchiorre |
14.10 | Helena Armengol i Relats | Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cycloadditions and their Application in the Synthesis of Natural Products | Prof. Antoni Echavarren |
19.11 | Bruna Sánchez | Beyond Conventional DFT Catalysis: Mechanochemistry and Solid Reductants | Prof. Feliu Maseras |
10.12 | Sijing Xue | Dual Transition Metal/Photoredox Catalysis for the Synthesis of Quaternary Carbon Stereocenters | Prof. Arjan. W. Kleij |
16.12 | Quentin Bouvier | Encapsulation of Reactive Components for Polyurethane Systems | Prof. Pau Ballester & Dr. Stefanie Eiden |
20.12 | Èric Cots | Understanding Iodine (I/III) Catalysis: From Racemic to Enantioselective Transformations | Prof. Kilian Muñiz & Prof. Marcos Garcia Suero |
20.12 | David Nieto | Advances in Spin Crossover: Synthesis, Mechanosynthesis and Switchable Multifunctional Hybrids | Prof. José-Ramón Galán-Mascarós |
20.12 | Kun Guo | Copper and Nickel Promoted Transformations of Alkyne based Cyclic Carbonates | Prof. Arjan. W. Kleij |
Postdoctoral researchers
Postdoctoral researchers at ICIQ have an outstanding opportunity to develop their research careers in a collaborative and international environment. We believe in empowering postdoctoral researchers and strengthening their leadership skills.
In 2021 we succeeded in obtaining:
- 8 Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions – Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) grants
- 1 Beatriu de Pinóo grant from AGAUR
- 6 post-doctoral grants from ICIQ Impulse for Talented Postdoctoral Fellows program (801474-I2- ICIQ Impulsion) coordinated by ICIQ.
- 2 Junior Leader post-doctoral grants from «La Caixa» Foundation.
- 5 Juan de la Cierva Training grants
Master programmes
We participated in two Master programmes. The URV/ICIQ Master in Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design provides scientific training in the design of new methods of synthesis, development of catalysts, computational design and management of environmentally friendly chemical processes. The Master also focuses on providing the skills needed to address research and development tasks and innovative activities in the industry. Three ICIQ Master students were awarded one of the institute’s master projects fellowships. Three students enrolled in this master thanks to the ICIQ master research projects grants.
We also participated in the Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences (BIST-UPF), which provides in-depth hands-on research training in multiple fields. Students undertake a 6-month major project and a 10-week minor project in two different research disciplines in different BIST centers.

ICIQ Summer Internship Programme, which is sponsored by Fundació Bancària La Caixa, brings together outstanding undergraduate students who make the most of their Summer holidays by working in one of ICIQ’s research groups during the months of July, August, and September. In 2021, due to COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel this programme. Instead, we had nine undergraduate students who did short internships in different research groups throughout the year.
Transferable Skills Courses
ICIQ works to offer complementary training adapted to the needs of our researchers. Apart from the recognized seminar programs, ICIQ promotes courses that address important skills to take advantage of in the development of a research career.
BIST Career Week 2021 | PhD Students/Postdocs | The event is designed to fulfil BIST community needs, but open to any sort of audience. Workshops include: Future steps and career choices, LinkedIn & Twitter for researchers, Boost employability? CV academic-non academic, How to face a job interview? Alicia Jarillo, Getting familiarized with the ERC Starting Grant call and how to prepare a competitive proposal. | BIST |
How to succeed in your PhD II | PhD Students 1st year | Designed for first year doctoral researcher and will look at practical ways to increase their effectiveness and meet the challenges of your PhD. | BIST |
How to write a CV and a motivational letter | PhD Students/Postdocs | Job search platforms, Social media in your job search CV preparation, types, format and information Motivational letter content and tips | Alicia Monleón (from ICIQ Human Resources) |
Leadership in Action 2021 | Postdocs | Focus on developing skills for successful self-management and development to progress in your professional career | BIST |
Research Integrity | ICIQ researchers | The objective of this interactive session is to sensitize participants to some key research integrity issues. | Maruxa Martínez |
Science communication course | PhD Students/Postdocs | To become familiar with the workings of science communication and public engagement. To understand the idiosyncrasy of different communication formats and narratives, and to begin developing an independent practice. | ScienceSeed |
Scientific Writing | PhD Students | Learn about different writing styles and the writing process, the structure, abstract and title of a paper, how to choose a journal, the peer review process and its variations. | Cofactor |
R&D Collaborations with Industry: Challenges and Opportunities in Business Development | ICIQ researchers | ICIQ (KTT) | |
Building Resilience | PhD Students | Understand what is resilience. Familiarize yourself with concepts such as: burn out or impostor’s syndrome. Familiarize yourself with cognitive distortions and thinking traps. | Saó Dispute Resolution |