Photophysics Unit
Unit Manager
Dr. Javier Pérez Hernández

In 2021 the most relevant activity in the Unit can be summarized as follows:
- Software programming for HyLEds life time measurements. This software automatically records the light intensity provided by the HyLED at a specific voltage and thus monitors its stability.
- Programming of new software for solar cell stability measurements. A new program has been made to control the Keithley so that it descends by taking voltage measurements – running at programmed time intervals. Each recorded v-i curve is processed to obtain the parameters of efficiency, form factor, short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage as a function of time.
- Design and optical assembly for measurements with double beam monitoring signal for the TAS system. This modification allows to reduce the variations of the xenon light source since the TAS signal and the reference signal are captured at the same time. It also allows absorption spectra to be obtained in the steady state.
The number of experiments in the self-service mode equipment during the last three years can be seen in the chart.